Nursery Milestones

Rising 2 (24+ months remaining 2 until following September)

  • Stands on tiptoes​
  • Kicks a ball​
  • Throws a ball overhand​
  • Begins to run​
  • Climbs furniture​
  • Walks up & down stairs while holding onto the bannister  
  • Copies drawing a line with crayon​
  • Speaks in 2-word combinations​
  • 50-word+ vocabulary​
  • Parallel play​
  • Removes an article of clothing


Willow Class: Rising 3 (academic year your child turns 3)

  • Pedal a tricycle​
  • Runs easily​
  • Walks up & down stairs one foot on each step
  • Copies a circle​
  • Speaks in 3-word sentences​
  • 75% of language is intelligible to a stranger​
  • Brushes teeth with help​
  • Fully potty-trained allowing for accidents


Acorn Class: Rising 4 (academic year your child turns 4)

  • Must attend minimum of five morning sessions
  • Stands one foot for 10 seconds plus​
  • Hops and stands on one foot for up to 2 seconds​
  • May skip, attempts to roll/somersault​
  • Climbs with confidence​
  • Uses stairs alternating feet
  • Copies a square cross or triangle​
  • 100% of language is intelligible to a stranger​
  • Plays cooperatively with a group​
  • Defines simple words​
  • Uses 5-word sentences​
  • Knows at least four colours​
  • Dresses themselves
  • Preparation for school